I currently have the website www.discountregistrations.co.uk which is built on Kohana framework. The search of 65million records uses SOLR.
I am after improving the search results to something like the results on www.swiftreg.co.uk. It would need to show:- 1. Exact match if available (if not available for it to not show this option) 2. Breakdown of the different options ie Dateless, Suffix, Prefix, current style (these are separately in the database already to assist this) 3. Alternatives to be shown in results ie if searching for "ANDY" then "4NDY" or "444NDY" would show. Single character searches would show ie if searching for 1 then all single number 1s registrations should show. 4. Results page to be update to have the registration shown more clearly on the "number plate" on the results. 5. On the mobile results for the action button to be "View" 6. On the desktop results for there to be two action buttons "View" and "Buy Now"