I need someone to help me to make a 40 - 45 minutes documentary. It's nothing complex. It's like story-telling but the story is told by different people, so different people are appearing for just a few minutes. They appear and speak their part and then they disappear, although a few people may appear more than once. It's like people showing up to give testimony or to give a piece of evidence. Then we we bring all this together, it will form the single documentary that I am trying to make. They will all be filmed at the same location. I think that we can do all the filming in a day or two, then you will edit the final product with a few background photos or images thrown in. It is just straight-foward stuff, people speaking or answering questions. Please, don't waste your time and my time applying, if you can't show evidence of previous filming work that you have done. Don't tell me that you are experienced in doing filming. Show me that you have been doing it before now. Thanks.