I am reaching out for your expertise to develop a VBA macro that will automate the management of an interactive form in Microsoft Word. Below are the details of my request and the expected outcomes.
Context: I am working with a Word (.dotx) template used to generate personalized offers. This template includes specific tags for managing optional sections and merge fields for inserting dynamic data. The tags in the document are as follows: [COMMUN]: Sections common to all offers. [OPTION ...]: Tags indicating optional sections (complete list below). The merge fields to be handled are: [DATE VALIDITE]: A date in the format DD/MM/YYYY. [NOM_CLIENT]: The client's name. [PROJET]: The project type. Request: I would like a VBA macro that automates the following tasks:
Dynamic UserForm creation:
The form should include: Checkboxes for each optional section (tags [OPTION ...]). TextBoxes for the merge fields [DATE VALIDITE], [NOM_CLIENT], and [PROJET]. A button to validate the user's choices and apply the changes to the document. Management of optional sections:
Based on the checkboxes selected in the form, the corresponding sections should be included or removed from the document. Merge field replacement:
The form's text fields should allow the user to input values that will replace [DATE VALIDITE], [NOM_CLIENT], and [PROJET] in the document. Expected Outcome: An interactive UserForm:
Displays checkboxes for each [OPTION ...] tag present in the document. Contains text fields to populate the merge fields. A personalized document:
Sections corresponding to [OPTION ...] tags are included/excluded based on the form selections. Merge fields [DATE VALIDITE], [NOM_CLIENT], and [PROJET] are replaced with the entered values. Clear and maintainable VBA code:
The code should be structured to allow easy addition or modification of options or fields in the future. Complete List of [OPTION ...] Tags: [OPTION JDF] [OPTION VOLIGEAGE] [OPTION BARDAGE AJOURE] [OPTION BARDAGE RL] [OPTION BARDAGE CLIN Partie fermée ou brise vue] [OPTION BARDAGE AJOURE Partie fermée ou brise vue] [OPTION OSSATURE Partie fermée] [OPTION TOITURE DEMI CROUPE] [OPTION TOITURE ŒIL DE B] [OPTION TOITURE TOITURE BETON] [OPTION TOITURE TOITURE TC] [OPTION TOITURE TOITURE ARDOISE ART] [OPTION TOITURE TOITURE ARDOISE N] [OPTION TOITURE TOITURE PANNEAU TUILE] [OPTION MONTAGE] [OPTION MACONNERIE] Technical Notes: The form should be generated dynamically to adapt to additional options or fields in the future. A scroll bar should be added if all the checkboxes cannot fit within the visible window. The form should open via a simple macro (e.g., AfficherUserForm). Expected Deliverables: A .docm file containing the VBA macro and a functional example based on a Word document template. A brief explanation of how the code works. Thank you for your valuable help. Please don’t hesitate to ask if you need clarification or additional details.