I need someone who is comfortable with the following:
GitHub Vercel MongoDB API Node JS Tailwind CSS
What do I need?
I need a simple website like https://www.checkdex.xyz/ however, it is called checkcalls.xyz
Checkcalls.xyz will use similar branding and colour theme as https://www.hypeai.tech/
We will need to create secure API endpoints for the frontend to get data from the mongo db
Front end will have 2 jobs:
1) If user searches address it will take them to a page that will pull the most recent data from the database. I will share structure of the db collection that will need to be queried.
2) Top 10 trending (this will show the top 10 based on filtered query from database)
3) Hotspot functionality - for now we can manually add these to the database so we just need a popup that shows info such as when you click get trending on checkdex.xyz