We are seeking a freelancer to collect ticket price data for 45 West End theatres, grouped by ownership, to support our internal revenue forecasting. The work involves researching ticket prices for premium, mid-tier, and budget seating categories, documenting the highest, lowest, and most common prices for each theatre. Proportions of seating categories should also be estimated where available.
Dynamic pricing trends must be analysed, including differences based on the day of the week (weekday matinees, evenings, weekends), seasonal periods (holidays, off-peak), and booking windows (advance, standard, and last-minute bookings). Evidence of the research, including screenshots of theatre websites showing ticket prices and seating plans, is required. Freelancers should also confirm the name of the show referenced in the data collection and note whether it is a long-running or special production.
Theatres will be grouped by ownership (e.g., ATG, Delfont Mackintosh, LW Theatres), and aggregated pricing patterns for each group should be summarised.
Deliverables include an Excel spreadsheet detailing ticket price ranges, seating proportions, and pricing trends for each theatre, as well as a summary sheet for ownership groups. A folder of screenshots and supporting documentation listing data sources and assumptions is also required.
Further information can be provided during initial discussions.