We have 3x UK property websites that combined currently get around 300k unique monthly visits. The websites have been around a long time, and have over 2 million registered users that have opted in to receive email marketing.
The job is simply to monetise our web visitors and email lists. If you can grow traffic to the sites that would be a big bonus.
We have done virtually nothing to monetise these assets. Our social channels are unused, our emails are bland and repetitive, our content marketing is non-existent. We have a couple of affiliate relationships but we have always massively under delivered.
We believe the right freelancer could generate significant revenue by delivering estate agent valuation leads and mortgage leads in particular. There is also the prospect of driving customers to our own property data products.
Let us know what excites you about this project and why you are the person for the job. The work is ongoing and you will earn a basic hourly rate plus a share of revenue generated. Some knowledge of the UK property market is preferred.