We are looking for a graphic design enthusiast to be apart of a super exciting project.
You will need to design with the latest trends, the coolest thumbnails / front covers similar size to an Instagram post. We will give you the details of each front cover/thumbnail including copy and you will need to ace all 850 thumbnails.
We will also need 300 A4 Front covers for our course study books.
We will expect for us to have a discussion to ensure we are using the latest design trends for these as it’s for a modern website which showcases a range of AI, AR and entrepreneurial innovation. These must be designed by you and not AI. We will check this as we want high level creativity and the best visuals for all which are high resolution outputs.
Deadline for these will be on 31st March.
This is the final price so no placeholders or negotiation. Post this there is more longterm work available.